1st International Workshop on Models for Simulation (M4S) 2024

December 3, 2024, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, co-located with PoEM 2024

Simulation capitalizes on structural, behavioral, and physical models. They embody the fundamental concepts of a system, whereas simulation actualizes those principles in a dynamic setting. The modeling community is facing new issues in terms of authenticity, trustworthiness, and sensitivity of models due to the increasing popularity of digital twins which in turn capitalize on models as one of their fundamental pillars next to the physical twin, and bidirectional data exchange between the physical and virtual world. In socioeconomic systems, additional challenges emerge as some characteristics of these systems are only partially observable by sensors and require innovative ways of modeling. Models and simulations are effective instruments for comprehending, examining, and forecasting the behavior of intricate systems in several fields. To fully maximize these advantages, a thorough reassessment of the fitness of models for simulation is necessary.

Our workshop targets the following objectives:


Topics include, but are not limited to:

Aspects and domains of interest are (but not limited to):

Call for Contributions

Participants are invited to submit contributions of the following type:

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop and all presented papers will be published in a workshop CEUR-WS proceedings.

Submissions must be in PDF following the one column CEURART style and uploaded via Easychair.

Important dates

Dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

The workshop will be conducted physically!


Keynote Speakers

Invited Speaker






Please check out the conference page for detailed information on the workshop's location.


Technical Program Committee